Header Interhash 2016 Bali Denpasar

Sell Your Rego

Has already registered yet cannot come? You may sell your rego here. Contact us with these details : name, hash name, hash chapter, email, price, and any notes. 


Completing seller and buyer process:

Once you have come to an agreement between buyer and seller, please do the following steps to complete your registration transfer.

  • Seller to the Interhash committee:
    • Letter of authority that contains integrity of transfer registration including the payment status and signature. It is a must, as proof of “I MEAN IT’!!!
    • The number of seller's registration
  • Seller to Interhash committee:
    • Complete online registration http://interhash2016.com/registration-form/
    • Any outstanding payment balance (if registration was not fully paid)
  • The Interhash committee will then:
    • Process the registration.  Seller’s status will become “TRANSFERED”.  Buyer will be given new registration number and status based on the rego completeness and payment situation
    • Email buyer about new registration number and status
  • The buyer‘s action after get the information:
    • Come to the registration check in bringing ID for authentication 


No Name Hash Name Hash Chapter Price Email Note
Barry Laws Pulls His Own Louville H3 SOLD [email protected] SOLD 1 rego
June Clarke Hershey Buns BH3 [email protected] 2 regos to be sell
Jennifer Stone Uncle jHolio jHavelina H3 SOLD [email protected] SOLD
Nannette Colyer Nan the Nun Sunshine Coast SOLD [email protected] SOLD
Timothy Lim Gearbox Fucker Miri HHH SOLD [email protected] SOLD 2 regos
Rebecca Keller Daddys Cum Drop Emerald Coast H3 US 200 [email protected]
Hsin-Yu Chiu TH3 US 200 [email protected]

© Interhash 2016